Rest Stops Save Lives
Why are Rest Stops Important!
Rest Stops Can Save Lives!
For many travelling for hours along a long, straight road with nothing but the wide-open plains it can be tiring on the mind and body.
Rest stops are there to rest, revive and refresh individuals for the next part of their journey!
As outlined in the Roadside Rest Areas Strategy by the Government of South Australia the purpose of rest stops are an effective tool for managing road safety issues and improved wellness with associated with driver fatigue.
Regularly spaced and comfortable rest areas allow individuals to take a break, stretch their legs, eat and drink and re-focus their attention within an outdoor setting.
Primary freight routes, along highways and even along dirt roads, all need 100% concentration.
What Defines an Essential Rest Stop
Five Essential Features
Toilet breaks, shelter, seating, bins, and lighting are 5 essential features to create a safe and comfortable place to stop.
These elements provide a functionally attractive space for road users to utilise outside of their vehicle.
There are four key functionalities for using these features and they include:
Rest, for a toilet stop, to eat and drink, and stretch.
Built to be Tough and Durable
Any remote, outdoor public area can benefit from shade and shelter.
Our number one best selling shelter, the Capricorn Shelter, is not only for its minimalistic design, but also the indisputable functionality throughout harsh Australian summers.
Featuring our tough anodised aluminium construction, for long life, especially in harsh weather locations, and a colourbond corrugated roof. The Capricorn Shelter range allows for customisation through the timbermatch series, so a well planned rest area is complete with all the same finishes.
Also featured is the Seaside Shelter, a popular choice. The curved roofline is perfect for spanning larger areas, offering strength and sturdiness in harsh environments. Yet for smaller, rectangular spaces, it offers a classic look that is perfect for the side of roads and busy highways.
Table Settings
A table and bench to sit from one to 6 people
A rest stop that provides a place to sit, eat and drink are what makes rest stops a revive and reenergise! Suitable for any outdoor setting, the superior durability and functionality of the access table setting range will withstand the test of time. Constructed from high quality materials.
No ongoing maintenance needed on this setting.
The table setting can be customised with various leg styles and lengths, depending on project design.
Toilet Stops
Relief is on the way
It is usually the first place we need to visit when we jump out of our vehicles!
Toilets in high demand rest / transient areas are a rest stop necessity and compliment the 5 essential rest stop features.
The Truro toilet building is a perfect example of a popular stop off for commuters passing through.
The restroom features include an all aluminuim construction, stainless steel pans and basins, soap dispensers, and 2 external stainless steel wash basins. The range and finishes were chosen to withstand its demand and test of time. Epoxy floor sealant was used in all cubicles for easy cleaning and to reduce staining.
Bin Enclosures
The Most Safe and Robust Solution
Along with eating comes the disposal of rubbish.
Designed to be fireproof and graffiti resistant, the bin will secure waste whilst restricting airflow to a fire, which may be ignited within the bin itself. Offering the perfect bin enclosure solution, it provides significant benefits for public safety and is highly recommended for use in high fire risk areas.
The Bayside Waste Bin is safe, as well as appealing for any outdoor public space. The design is minimal and functional, with the finish being either clear or colour anodised with a gold infill recycle panel.