Roads and Works Event, Renmark, SA
This highly successful and well attended event is the premier ‘all things Roads’ event that provides important informal networking opportunities for Local Government delegates.
Terrain Group showed their support for the event again this year to LGA SA by showcasing Terrain Group products.
This 2-day event brought key decision makers and local council contacts together where they could see and hear industry leaders’ discussions.
The opening event was hosted at the world renowned 23rd Street Distillery in Renmark’s CBD. This historic Distillery, built in 1914, has been resurrected with twenty-first century technology. Century-old copper stills are reignited with a spirit of anarchic invention. The evening was a great opportunity to meet and greet personnel before the Roads and Works event and enjoy great local produce provided by LGA.
“Without the support of companies like Terrain Group these events are simply not possible. This year also saw LGA Procurement preferred suppliers significantly outnumber other suppliers which was truly a sight to behold!”
Andrew Haste, Chief Executive Officer
LGA Procurement