Top 5 most important tips for irrigation design

Irrigation or water-based projects can be quite tricky and need careful planning, designing and implementation.

Having more than 40 years of experience in water related projects across Australia, we know what it takes to achieve a successful irrigation project.

There are certain concepts when it comes to water to keep in mind.


Any water-related project must have a good design, which comes from a site visit, testing the site for water, checking the water flow and sources. Functionality of design is another important concept that cannot be overlooked. Checking on steadiness of the water flow, the equipment that needs to be used and an understanding of operational procedures will help in the robustness of design.

Surface Used

A vital part of an irrigation project is to know what the surface of the project is being used for. Is it a golf course, a park, a recreation centre or a racecourse? Knowing what the surface is being used for will help in understanding the irrigation efficiency required for the project, in turn giving an accurate estimation on the products like sprinklers, pipes etc. to be used for the project.

Value for Money

Water projects can be expensive depending on the design chosen and the equipment used, however the one-time cost can bring in value for money if there’s ease of controlling the irrigation system from your phone. The concept of value for money is to define what products and design are most suitable to a certain project, the longevity of the system used and the durability of the products on site.

Recycling Water

A scarce resource now, all projects that involve water must look at recycling the resource and use sustainable practices. Creating water catchment areas to store and use storm/rain water help recycle water to optimal use. Making sure that there are no spills in the canals and pipes used, however if the system is designed to handle spill without adverse consequences, a moderate amount of spill may actually improve overall project efficiency.

Ease of Use & Maintenance

Ease of use of the entire irrigation process is key. Using a design that offers water without lag time, or provides a central control for day-only irrigation for instantaneous startup or timing the sprinklers through a click of a button, can save a lot of time. Low maintenance project is also something of a prerequisite these days, as the projects need to have longevity.